16 май 2012

HW Pre-intermediate Ep.6

Episode 6 - A Brief Encounter

HW Pre-intermediate Ep.5

Episode 5 - A Dog's Tale (5m18s)

HW Pre-intermediate Ep.4

Episode 4 - Not Working Out (6m01s)

HW Pre-intermediate Ep.3

Episode 3 - A Picture of Health (7m25s)

HW Pre-intermediate Ep.2

Episode 2 - A Perfect Day (7m26s)

What is a wedding like in your country?

Hello, I'm Hristo from Bulgaria, and the question is: "What is a wedding like in your country?". Wedding in Bulgaria is pretty similar to a Western wedding, but we still have some traditional features to it, and one of the features is the religious part, which takes place in a church, and one really interesting thing is that the bride and the groom are supposed to walk around the altar, following a priest, and exchange crowns, which are symbols of power and unity at the same time. Another interesting thing is that a great deal of people, the whole family is usually present in the church, and of course everything is followed by a huge party in a restaurant or a discotheque.

HW Pre-intermediate Video Ep. 1

Episode 1 - A Clean Sweep (5m41s)