27 април 2009

Теми за есета - изпит 14.06.2009 ESOL/ Writing

1. Write the story of your life. Start with your birth and continue the adventure up to the present.
2. Draw a self-portrait, and describe yourself in writing.
3. If you had to describe yourself using only three words, what would words would you use and why?
4. Write about the members of your family. Describe each person and what they mean to you.
5. If an out-of-town visitor was coming to visit, where would you take your visitor? Describe the best places around your town and why they are so interesting. Write about parks, museums, lakes, stores, restaurants, and other places you enjoy.
6. Write a page on what you want to do. What career do you want and what do you want to accomplish?
7. Write a page on something nice that you did for someone, or on something nice that someone did for you for no reason.
8. When was the last time you did something nice for someone without them asking you? Write about what it was that you did and why you did it. How did the other person react, and how did you feel about your good deed? What about next time?
9. Describe a dream that you've had. How did the dream make you feel?
The Best Thing I've Learned in School: Write about the most valuable thing you ever learned in school. What made it so useful for you?
10. Everyone is great at something - write about what you do best. It could be a hobby, a sport, reading, playing chess, or anything else you excel at.
11. Think about something that annoys or bothers you. Write about what it is and why it bothers you. What can you do to make it less irritating?
12. What is the first memory you have of your life? Write about what you remember, how old you were at the time, and why you think you remember this event in particular. What do you think of this event now?
13. Write a page on what are you most thankful for in life.
14. Who is your personal hero? Write a page on your hero's accomplishments and what makes that person a hero. If you don't have a personal hero, describe the characteristics that someone would have to possess to be your personal hero.
15. Who would you like to play an April Fool's Day joke on? Why would you like to do this, and what would you like to do?
16. Write an essay as though you were 80 years old, looking back at your life. What have you accomplished, what are you proudest of, what is the world like, and do you have any regrets?

17. Invent a new Olympic sport. There are many unusual Olympic sports, like skeleton (running and then sledding), biathlon (skiing plus shooting), and curling (using brooms to propel an object over ice). Make up a new sport that would be fun to watch and play.
18. If you could put up a new website on any topic at all, what would it be? Write about why you chose this topic, what the website would contain, and who else you think might be interested in going to your site.
19. Think about an invention that you'd like to have or make. Write about what this new device would do and why you'd like to use it.
20. Invent a new animal -- describe what it looks like, what it sounds like, how it moves, and what it eats. Is it scary or cuddly or something else altogether? Would it be a pet or live in the wild (or in a zoo)?
21. Invent a new holiday. What would this holiday celebrate? How would you celebrate it? Would there be any special food or symbols for your holiday?
22. If there was a new student in class and you could only ask that person three questions to get to know them, what would you ask them?
23. If you could have one superpower, what would it be? Write a page explaining what the superpower is, why you would like to have it, and what you would do with this new power. How would your life change if you had this superpower?
24. If you could be any age at all, how old would you be (older or younger)? Write about why you would like to be this age and what you would do.
25. A Magic Spell. If you could devise a magical spell, what would it be and what would it do? Write about why you chose this new spell and how you would use it.
26. If you were going to be stranded on a deserted island and could take three items with you, what three items would you take and why? The three items have to fit in an ordinary backpack. Describe each item fully and tell why you want each one.
27. If you were stranded on a deserted island and could send out one message in a bottle, what would you write in that message, and why would you write those particular things?
28. If you could travel anywhere in space, where would you go and why? What do you think it would be like there?
29. If you could go back in time and re-experience an event in your life, what would it be. Would you go back to change an event that happened or to re-experience a happy time? Or something else?
30. Write a page on what you would do if you were a teacher for a day. What subjects would you teach and how would you teach them?
33. Write a page on what you'd do if you were the President. How would you change the world?
32. Write a page on what you'd do if you had one hundred dollars.
If I Had a New Name: If you could give yourself a new name, what would it be? Write about why you chose this new name and how it might change your life.
33. If you had a day all for yourself and could do whatever you wanted to, what would you do? Start with waking up and describe the entire day. Include things like what you'd eat, who you'd see, where you'd go, and what you'd do.
34. If you could have any type of adventure at all, what would it be? Write a page on an adventure that you'd like to experience. Think of the wildest adventure you can imagine.
35. What is your favorite game? Describe the game and how it is played. Explain the rules so that someone could learn how to play the game.
36. What is your favorite holiday? Describe what you like to do on this holiday, who you like to be with at that time, and why you enjoy it so much.
37. What is your favorite sport? Why do you like it, and what do you like best about it?
38. What is your favorite movie? Describe the characters, the story, and what you like best about the movie.
39. Write about the most valuable thing you ever learned in school. What made it so useful for you?
What I Like Best in School: What is your favorite part of the school day? Write a page on what you like the best in school.
40. Write a page on the best birthday you ever had. Describe what made it so special.
41. Write a page on the best vacation or trip that you ever had. Describe where you went, who you went with, what you did, and why you enjoyed it.
42. What is the funniest thing that you've ever seen or heard? Maybe it was a joke that a friend told you, a comedy routine, or a scene in a movie. Describe this amusing event and tell why you thought it was funny.
43. What is the scariest thing that ever happened to you? Describe this event and write about why it scared you.
44. Write about the most irritating, bothersome things in your life.
45. Think of a person you really like or admire. Think of a personality trait that makes them so special. Write about this good trait and why you like it.

11 април 2009

Цветница, празник на цветята - Bulgarians Celebrate Flower Feast

Bulgarians marked Sunday the so-called Tsvetnitsa-Vrabnitsa holiday, which is the Orthodox equivalent to the catholic Palm Sunday.
Held annually on the last Sunday before Easter, Tsvetnitsa is one of the biggest Bulgarian holidays, rich in a variety of customs, songs and melodies.
Being one of the most beautiful spring holidays it celebrates the day of the entrance of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem, when he was welcomed with palms and olive branches.
Early in the morning on Tsvetnitsa the young girls who have been `lazarki` on the previous day go to the nearest river. After they find a place where the water is calm they put pieces of traditional bread on willow barks and throw them into the water.On Tsvetnitsa-Vrabnitsa all those named after flowers, plants or trees celebrate their name day.
The Lazarovden ceremonies, called Lazarouvane, are among the best-loved Bulgarian traditions. The Saturday before Easter is a festival devoted to young girls, pastures, fields and woods. In Bulgaria's village communities, Lazarovden was quite an event in the life of every young girl, for then she could demonstrate to the townspeople that she had already grown to be a "complete maiden". The girls would gather in groups of about ten at the house of the prettiest one and start from there with their songs to make a round of the village. The songs sung on St Lazar's Day praise the beauty of the maiden and her lover, the industry of the farmer, the purity of maternal love and express wishes for happiness and prosperity.